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Dental Crowns FAQs

Dental Crowns FAQs

Dental Crowns: A comprehensive list of FAQs

Dental crowns are an essential part of cosmetic dentistry that not only improves your esthetics but also strengthens your oral cavity. If you have any questions about dental crowns, then this blog post is for you. In this blog post, we have compiled a list of dental crown FAQs so that you can have a better understanding of the treatment and decide if it is right for you.

What exactly is a dental crown?

A dental crown serves as a cap or cover to replace the natural crown (the visible part) of the tooth. The crown covers the tooth and protects it from cracks and breakages. The remaining tooth structure bonds the crown, ensuring the tooth stays stable and functions correctly.

Which materials do dentists use to create dental crowns?

Dental crowns have evolved over time, and the materials used to make them have changed along with them. These days, dentists craft dental crowns from various materials like porcelain, ceramic, or zirconia. Your dentist will recommend a material tailored to your dental needs, each with its unique properties.

How many appointments does dental crown treatment require?

Typically, the process requires two dental appointments with a span of one to two weeks. At the initial visit, the dentist removes decay from the tooth and takes an impression for the dental technician to create a custom crown. During the second appointment, the dentist will bond the custom crown to your natural tooth.

Can dental crowns break or fall out?

Dental crowns are incredibly durable and can last for years if taken care of properly. Avoid chewing on hard objects or applying excessive force to prevent crowns, like natural teeth, from breaking. Avoiding these habits can significantly extend the life of your crown.

How much does dental crown treatment cost?

Dental crown costs vary based on material and tooth location. Discuss pricing directly with your dentist for a more accurate estimate based on your specific needs.

Dental crowns are a great choice for improving oral health and enhancing your smile. Discuss your dental crown questions or concerns directly with a Mableton, GA dentist. Invest in your dental health with crown treatment; we hope this post addressed your questions. If you have more questions, please contact us at Mableton Family Dentistry, and we will be happy to help you.