Common Reasons for a Tooth Extraction

Common Reasons for a Tooth Extraction

Common Reasons for a Tooth Extraction

Safeguarding Your Oral Health: Understanding the Common Reasons for Tooth Extraction at Our Mableton, GA Practice

Welcome to Mableton Family Dentistry, where we prioritize your oral health and well-being. As the best dentist in Mableton, GA, we understand that tooth extraction is sometimes necessary to preserve your overall oral health.

Understanding Tooth Extraction

Tooth extraction, also known as dental extraction, is the removal of a tooth from its socket in the jawbone. While preserving natural teeth is always preferable, there are instances where extraction becomes necessary to protect your oral health. Tooth extraction may be recommended for various reasons, ranging from severe decay and infection to crowding or trauma.

Common Reasons for Tooth Extraction

While tooth extraction may seem daunting, it is sometimes necessary to safeguard your oral health and overall well-being.

Severe Decay

Advanced decay may require extraction to prevent further damage.

Gum Disease

Advanced gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, can lead to the destruction of the supporting tissues and bone surrounding the teeth. In severe cases, tooth extraction may be required to halt the progression of the disease and prevent tooth loss.

Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Impacted wisdom teeth can get trapped due to jaw space. Impacted wisdom teeth can cause pain, swelling, and infection, necessitating extraction to alleviate symptoms and prevent complications.

Orthodontic Treatment

Tooth extraction can aid in orthodontic treatment for crowded teeth. Extracting one or more teeth can help achieve optimal results and improve the overall function and appearance of the smile.

Trauma or Injury

Severe injuries may necessitate tooth extraction. Extracting severely damaged teeth can prevent infection and restore oral health.

Failed Root Canal Treatment

In some cases, root canal treatment may fail to resolve an infection or adequately restore a tooth. Persistent infection may require extraction to prevent complications.

Preparing for Dentures

Tooth extraction may be necessary for patients receiving complete or partial dentures. Extracting damaged teeth aids in denture fitting and function.

Contact Us

Trust Mableton Family Dentistry for dental extractions. Schedule a consultation with the best dentist in Mableton, GA, today, and let us help you maintain a healthy and beautiful smile for years to come.

Natural Looking Tooth Repair Options

Natural Looking Tooth Repair Options

Natural Looking Tooth Repair Options

Cosmetic crowns, Veneers and teeth whitening 

A beautiful smile can greatly enhance our appearance and boost our confidence. However, common dental problems such as cavities, cracks, or stains can be detrimental to achieving the perfect smile. Several tooth repair options can restore your natural smile. Explore cosmetic crowns, veneers, and teeth whitening at Mableton Family Dentistry in Mableton, GA, to make an informed choice for your dental needs.

Cosmetic Crowns

A dental crown is a cap that covers the tooth to restore its size, shape, and strength while improving its appearance. Crowns can be made from various materials including porcelain, metal, or resin. Mableton Family Dentistry provides porcelain dental crowns for a natural look that seamlessly blends with your teeth.


If you have minor cosmetic imperfections on your front teeth such as chips, cracks, or gaps, dental veneers may be a great option for you. Veneers are thin, custom-made shells that are placed over your teeth to improve the appearance of your smile. They are made from porcelain or resin and can last up to 15 years with proper care.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is a simple and effective way to brighten your teeth and enhance your smile. Mableton Family Dentistry provides professional teeth whitening to eliminate stubborn stains from tobacco, coffee, tea, and other sources. Our dental team provides top-notch tooth repair, including cosmetic crowns, veneers, and teeth whitening, enhancing your teeth’s natural look and overall appearance.

Call Us Today!

At Mableton Family Dentistry, we believe that everyone deserves a beautiful and healthy smile. Our team of dental professionals offers high-quality tooth repair options such as cosmetic crowns, veneers, and teeth whitening to help restore the natural look of your teeth and enhance your overall appearance. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and learn which of our tooth repair options is right for you. Let us help you achieve the perfect natural-looking smile that you deserve!

Tooth Replacement Options

Tooth Replacement Options

Tooth Replacement Options

Single Tooth Replacement, and full Mouth Implants

Losing a tooth can be a painful and overwhelming experience for many people. It can be even more stressful when it’s in a prominent visible area. To help ease your worries, at Mableton Family Dentistry in Mableton, GA we offer a range of tooth replacement options for patients.

Our professional dental team understands the importance of having a healthy and complete smile, which is why we use the latest technology and techniques to ensure that our patients are well taken care of. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the various tooth replacement options available at our practice.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are one of the most popular tooth replacement options we offer. We insert a titanium post into the jawbone to act as the tooth’s root and attach a permanent crown on top. The implants look and feel like natural teeth, and they are long-lasting.


Dentures or removable bridges are an option for people who are missing several teeth or have a full arch that needs to be replaced. Various forms of dentures exist, ranging from partial dentures used to replace a few teeth to complete or full dentures designed to replace all missing teeth.

Dental Bridges

Dental bridges are another option for people with missing teeth. This alternative provides greater comfort compared to dentures and can replace one or more teeth. Bridges also look and feel like natural teeth, and they are permanent.

Porcelain Veneers

While not a traditional tooth replacement option, porcelain veneers are an effective cosmetic solution for those with damaged, worn, or misshapen teeth. These thin porcelain shells are custom-made and fitted over the teeth, effectively “replacing” worn or damaged parts of the teeth for a beautifully restored smile.

Contact Us Today!

At Mableton Family Dentistry, we understand that every patient’s dental needs and preferences vary. That’s why we offer a wide range of tooth replacement options that will fit your needs and preferences. We commit to ensuring your dental experience is as comfortable and smooth as possible. Our team employs the latest technology and techniques to deliver the highest quality care. If you’re in need of tooth replacement options in Mableton, GA, give us a call today!

Signs You May Need A Tooth Removed

Signs You May Need A Tooth Removed

Signs You May Need A Tooth Removed


Do You Need An Extraction? How to Tell if Tooth Removal is Necessary

Everyone has experienced tooth pain at some point in their lives. While the sensation may pass, in some cases, the discomfort can linger and indicate a more serious problem requiring a visit to your dentist. Knowing the signs of a tooth needing removal can help you identify when it’s time to see your Mableton emergency dentist. Let’s explore the common indicators that a tooth needs to be removed.

Tooth Pain That Refuses To Subside

If you are experiencing persistent or recurring pain from your tooth that does not go away on its own, it may be necessary for your dentist to remove the affected tooth. The pain could be caused by an infection or decay that needs immediate attention from your dentist. If left untreated, a serious infection can spread throughout other parts of your body, so make sure you seek professional dental care treatment if you are feeling continuous discomfort for an extended period of time.

A Chipped or Broken Tooth

When a tooth has been broken due to trauma (such as being hit in the face), it often requires extraction because it cannot be fixed with fillings or crowns. In this case, it is important to seek medical attention right away so that no further damage is done to adjacent teeth and gums by leaving the affected area untreated. Your Mableton GA Dentist will have the experience and knowledge necessary when determining whether or not an extraction is needed after trauma has occurred.

Severely Damaged Teeth

When cavities become too large for fillings or crowns, an extraction may be recommended by your dentist in order to prevent any further damage from occurring due to decay or infection. Even if there is not currently any pain associated with the cavity, it is still important to get regular dental check-ups and X-rays so that any problems can be identified early on before they become larger issues. Early detection can prevent more extensive treatments like root canal therapy or even complete removal down the line.

Ultimately, only your local dentist will know if a tooth needs removal; however, these signs may help identify when it’s time for you to make an appointment with them if you believe something could be wrong with one of your teeth. Keep in mind that prevention is key—regular visits with your dental hygienist can help detect problems early on and avoid having a potentially problematic tooth removed down the line. If you do find yourself in need of an extraction procedure, don’t worry—it’s common and typically nothing too serious! With proper care and maintenance following an extraction procedure, you should have no trouble maintaining healthy teeth for years to come!

If you are experiencing tooth pain, the first and most important step is to schedule a consultation with a dentist. While it may be tempting to try and treat the issue at home, this often makes it worse in the long run. It’s also important to note that if your toothache is severe or sudden and persistent then emergency dental appointments may be necessary. Taking action quickly not only reduces your discomfort, but could also save you from needing more costly treatments down the road.

How Does A Dental Bridge Work?

How Does a Dental Bridge Work

How Does A Dental Bridge Work?

What is a Dental Bridge?

A dental bridge is an artificial tooth that is used to replace missing teeth due to injury, infection, or decay. The purpose of the bridge is to fill in the gap created by the missing tooth, restoring the patient’s ability to chew properly and maintain a healthy smile. But how does a dental bridge actually work? Let’s take a closer look.

How Does A Dental Bridge Work?

A dental bridge consists of three parts: two crowns (also called abutments) which are placed on either side of the gap or missing tooth, and one pontic (or false tooth) which fills in the space in between. The abutments are attached to existing teeth on either side of the gap, while the pontic provides support for both abutments and bridges the gap between them. 

The procedure for getting a dental bridge begins with reshaping your existing teeth by removing some enamel in order to make room for the dental crown. Once this is done, impressions will be taken of your mouth so that a custom-made bridge can be fabricated at a laboratory. Your Mableton GA  Dentist will then place temporary crowns over your reshaped teeth until your permanent bridge is ready. Finally, once your permanent bridge arrives from the lab, it will be cemented into place and you can begin using it right away!

It’s important to note that bridges may not always be suitable for every circumstance; other restorative options. Dental implants or crowns may be recommended if you have extensive damage to multiple teeth and/or bone loss in your jawbone. Dr. Mitt can evaluate your case and determine what treatment option would best suit you and your individual restorative dental care needs.

A dental bridge is an excellent way to replace lost or damaged teeth and restore full function back into your mouth. If you think you might benefit from this type of restoration, don’t hesitate to talk with your dentist about having a dental bridge placed! They can help ensure that you get back to enjoying life with a healthy smile as quickly as possible.

Dr. Mitt is a highly experienced and specialized dentist that offers dental bridge consultations to improve the look and health of your smile! Dr. Mitt takes pride in making sure the patient walks away with an understanding of options and available treatment plans so they can make informed decisions necessary for their specific oral healthcare. Not only does Dr. Mitt offer dental bridges, but he has extensive education in dental implants, dentures, veneers, fillings, and much more. Dr. Mitt gives his full attention when reviewing individual cases, so your smile will be in good hands at his office!