Natural Looking Tooth Repair Options

Natural Looking Tooth Repair Options

Natural Looking Tooth Repair Options

Cosmetic crowns, Veneers and teeth whitening 

A beautiful smile can greatly enhance our appearance and boost our confidence. However, common dental problems such as cavities, cracks, or stains can be detrimental to achieving the perfect smile. Several tooth repair options can restore your natural smile. Explore cosmetic crowns, veneers, and teeth whitening at Mableton Family Dentistry in Mableton, GA, to make an informed choice for your dental needs.

Cosmetic Crowns

A dental crown is a cap that covers the tooth to restore its size, shape, and strength while improving its appearance. Crowns can be made from various materials including porcelain, metal, or resin. Mableton Family Dentistry provides porcelain dental crowns for a natural look that seamlessly blends with your teeth.


If you have minor cosmetic imperfections on your front teeth such as chips, cracks, or gaps, dental veneers may be a great option for you. Veneers are thin, custom-made shells that are placed over your teeth to improve the appearance of your smile. They are made from porcelain or resin and can last up to 15 years with proper care.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is a simple and effective way to brighten your teeth and enhance your smile. Mableton Family Dentistry provides professional teeth whitening to eliminate stubborn stains from tobacco, coffee, tea, and other sources. Our dental team provides top-notch tooth repair, including cosmetic crowns, veneers, and teeth whitening, enhancing your teeth’s natural look and overall appearance.

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At Mableton Family Dentistry, we believe that everyone deserves a beautiful and healthy smile. Our team of dental professionals offers high-quality tooth repair options such as cosmetic crowns, veneers, and teeth whitening to help restore the natural look of your teeth and enhance your overall appearance. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and learn which of our tooth repair options is right for you. Let us help you achieve the perfect natural-looking smile that you deserve!

How to Combat Dental Anxiety

How to Combat Dental Anxiety

How to Combat Dental Anxiety

How to Combat Anxiety During Dental Procedures

Visiting a dental office can be an overwhelming experience for many individuals. Some people fear the pain, the sounds, or the sight of dental tools, which can cause anxiety and even prevent them from visiting the dentist. However, neglecting regular dental visits can lead to serious oral health problems and further dental complications. Therefore, it is important to address dental-related anxiety, especially for patients visiting our office at Mableton Family Dentistry in Mableton, GA. Today, we will discuss five practical tips to combat anxiety during dental procedures.

Communicate with Your Dentist

Discussing your concerns with your dentist is an essential step in overcoming dental anxiety. Our dentists and team at Mableton Family Dentistry understand that dental phobia is a real concern for some patients. We are always happy to listen and answer your questions to help alleviate your concerns. We encourage you to share your past dental experiences, fears, or any specific needs or preferences, such as keeping you informed about the upcoming procedures, using relaxing music or offering dental sedation.

Practice Relaxation Techniques

If you tend to get anxious during dental procedures, practicing relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing or meditation, can help calm your mind and body. Focusing on your breath and imagining yourself in a peaceful place can help distract you from the dental setting. You can also bring your headphones and listen to calming music or guided meditations.

Consider Sedation Dentistry

For many patients, sedation dentistry can provide a safe and effective way to relax during dental procedures. At Mableton Family Dentistry, we offer multiple sedation options, including nitrous oxide (“laughing gas”), oral sedation, and intravenous (IV) sedation. Our experienced dentists will evaluate your medical history and discuss the right type of sedation that fits your needs and preferences.

Bring a Support Person

Bringing along a trusted friend or family member to accompany you to the dental appointment can offer you additional emotional support. Your support person can help distract you, hold your hand, or just be there to listen and offer encouragement. However, please note that during the procedure, the assistant will usually ask your support person to step out of the room for safety and privacy reasons.

Focus on the Benefits

Last but not least, focusing on the benefits of regular dental check-ups and treatments can help shift your mindset from fear to positive motivation. Regular dental care can prevent small issues from becoming more significant dental problems and save you time and money in the long run. Keeping your teeth healthy can also improve your overall health and well-being.

Contact Our Office Today!

Dealing with dental anxiety is a common concern for many patients. However, avoiding dental care can lead to more severe oral health problems. At Mableton Family Dentistry in Mableton, GA, we understand the apprehension some patients may feel, and we are here to help. Our compassionate and experienced dentists and staff are committed to offering a comfortable and stress-free dental experience for our patients. We hope these five practical tips can help you feel more relaxed during your next dental visit. Contact us today to book your appointment and let us take care of your dental needs.

The Importance of Flossing

The Importance of Flossing

The Importance of Flossing

The Importance of Flossing: Understanding Why This Crucial Step is Often Overlooked

Many dental health advocates stress the importance of flossing every day for optimal oral hygiene. However, very few people actually follow through on this crucial step. This is despite the fact that often-extensive research has repeatedly shown that flossing is just as important as brushing when it comes to preventing cavities and gum disease. Today, we aim to give you a deeper understanding of the importance of flossing that should encourage you to make it your daily routine.

Why is flossing important?

Flossing is essential because it removes the food and plaque that stick between your teeth and gums and can’t be removed with brushing alone. Without flossing, the food particles that stuck in between the teeth and gums become a playground for harmful bacteria, which can cause cavities, gum disease, and worse. Flossing also promotes dental health by preventing the gums from becoming inflamed.

How often should you floss?

Most dental professionals agree that you should floss at least twice a day, preferably after meals. In reality, we know that life gets busy, and sometimes it can be hard to remember to floss. However, it’s essential to make a habit of it because those few minutes of preventive care could make all the difference in your oral health.

What are the dangers of not flossing?

The long-term effects of not flossing can be severe. Gums can become inflamed and bleed, leading to gum disease. Additionally, not flossing can make you more susceptible to bad breath and tooth decay.

What is the proper flossing technique?

The standard technique is to wrap the floss around your fingers and gently insert it between your teeth. Do not snap the floss into your gums or force it into a gap. Rather, use a sawing up-and-down motion and curve the floss around the base of each tooth for optimal results.

What are the alternatives to traditional flossing?

There are various alternatives to traditional flossing, including water flossers, interdental brushes, and flossing picks. These options are convenient, easy to use, and can simplify the flossing process for people who struggle with traditional flossing.

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Overall, flossing is an often-overlooked yet crucial component of your dental hygiene routine. In addition to brushing, flossing helps prevent cavities, gum disease, and bad breath. To ensure optimal health for your teeth and mouth, make a habit of flossing at least twice a day. In doing so, you’ll support your long-term dental health, and your Mableton dentist will be proud of you for taking preventive measures.

How To Choose The Right Toothbrush

How To Choose The Right Toothbrush

How To Choose The Right Toothbrush

How To Choose The Right Toothbrush To Optimize Your Oral Health

Brushing your teeth is one of the most critical daily routines for maintaining optimal oral health. To have healthy teeth and gums, your toothbrush’s quality and cleanliness rely on your oral health routine. With so many types of toothbrushes and bristle types, it can be difficult for some to choose the right toothbrush for their oral health. Today, we will explain how to choose the right toothbrush to optimize oral health, educate about certain toothbrush features, and debunk myths surrounding toothbrushes.

Bristle Type

Choosing the right toothbrush bristle type is essential because it can help prevent tooth decay and gum disease. There are three types of toothbrush bristles – soft, medium, and hard. For most people, a soft-bristled toothbrush is ideal because it is gentle on the gums and teeth. However, if you have gum recession or Periodontitis, we recommend using ultra-soft toothbrush bristles. Hard-bristled toothbrushes can cause damage to the enamel of your teeth. Nationally, we recommend that you choose soft bristled toothbrushes for your oral health to prevent injury.

Electronic Toothbrushes

An electronic toothbrush is a great investment for oral care, especially for those who have difficulty brushing their teeth using a manual toothbrush, have gum disease, or wear braces. Electronic toothbrushes come with many features that help improve oral care, such as pressure sensors, timers, and different modes of vibration. Electronic toothbrushes are particularly helpful in breaking down stubborn plaque build-up that is difficult to remove with a manual toothbrush.

Toothbrush Head

Toothbrush heads should be small enough to reach all areas of your mouth. In addition to the size, choose toothbrush heads that can be tilted at an angle of forty-five degrees to clean along the gum line. If the toothbrush head is too large, you may not be able to brush the back of your mouth, and if it is too small, it may take too long to remove all the plaque from your teeth.

Toothbrush And Orthodontics

If you wear braces or any other orthodontic device, your toothbrush’s bristle type and size matter. Soft-bristled toothbrushes are recommended because they are gentler on the orthodontic device and the soft tissues of your mouth during the orthodontic treatment. Orthodontic patients should also use a V-shaped toothbrush, which helps clean around wires and brackets more efficiently.

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Oral health is important for overall well-being. Choosing the right toothbrush can maximize your oral health routine’s effectiveness. At Mableton Family Dentistry, we have the knowledge, skill, and expertise to help you determine which toothbrush and oral care products are best for your oral health. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about oral health care.

How to Choose the Right Dental Treatment for Your Oral Health

How to Choose the Right Dental Treatment for Your Oral Health

How to Choose the Right Dental Treatment for Your Oral Health

How to Choose the Right Dental Treatment for Your Oral Health

Taking care of your dental health shouldn’t be taken for granted. Poor oral hygiene could lead to various health problems such as gum disease, tooth decay, and even heart disease. In order to maintain top-notch oral health, it’s important to make the right choices when it comes to dental treatments. However, with a wide range of dental procedures available, choosing the right method for your oral health needs can be quite overwhelming. In this blog post, we’ll discuss how to choose the right dental treatment for your oral health.

Assess Your Oral Health Needs

Before you decide on a dental procedure, it’s important to assess your oral health needs. Start by scheduling an appointment with your dentist in Mableton GA to discuss your current dental condition. Your dentist will carry out a comprehensive examination of your oral cavity, and based on the outcome of the exam, they will recommend the most appropriate treatment for you.

Understand the Dental Procedure

Before you choose a dental procedure, it’s important to understand what it entails. Learn about the the recovery process. You can read online reviews about the procedure and consult with your dentist to get more information. Understanding the dental procedure will help you determine whether the dental treatment is right for you.

Consider Your Age and Health Status

Your age and overall health status can impact your decision about the dental procedure. Younger patients may require different types of dental procedures compared to older patients. Additionally, if you have underlying health conditions such as diabetes or heart disease, your dentist may recommend different dental treatments to address your oral health needs.

Discuss Your Dental Concerns with Your Dentist

Lastly, discuss any dental concerns you have with your dentist. Whether you’re concerned about your teeth’s appearance, have dental pain, or just want to maintain good oral hygiene, communicating your needs to your dentist will help them recommend the appropriate dental treatment for you.

Contact Us today for a consultation

Choosing the right dental treatment for your oral health can make a huge difference. When it comes to dental procedures, there are multiple options to choose from, but the best procedure for you depends on your oral health needs, budget, age, and overall health status. By assessing your dental concerns and consulting with your dentist, you will be able to make the right decision about the dental procedures that will give you the best results. At Mableton Family Dentistry, we offer a wide range of dental procedures to address your oral health needs. Contact us today to schedule your appointment and we’ll help you choose the appropriate dental treatment for you.

The Different Types of Teeth Whitening Treatments and Which One is Right for You

The Different Types of Teeth Whitening Treatments and Which One is Right for You

The Different Types of Teeth Whitening Treatments and Which One is Right for You

The Different Types of Teeth Whitening Treatments and Which One is Right for You

A bright and dazzling smile is a sign of good health and is a great confidence booster. Teeth may discolor due to factors like age, diet, habits, and medications over time. Thankfully, there are various types of teeth whitening treatments available to help restore your pearly whites. But with so many options to choose from, how do you know which one is right for you? Let’s discuss various teeth whitening options to find the best one for your dental needs today.

In-office professional teeth whitening

This type of treatment is performed by a dental professional in our Mableton GA family dentistry office. In a single appointment, a strong bleaching gel and special light quickly whiten your teeth. Office teeth whitening yields quick and dramatic results, brightening teeth by several shades in a single visit. This treatment is a great option for patients with severe staining or those who want quick and noticeable results.

At-home professional teeth whitening

This type of treatment involves using custom-made whitening trays that are filled with a lower concentration of bleaching gel. Wear trays daily for weeks until you reach your desired whiteness. At-home teeth whitening is affordable, convenient, and done at home, offering advantages over in-office treatments. This treatment is ideal for patients with mild to moderate staining who prefer a gradual whitening process.

Over-the-counter teeth whitening products

These products can be purchased at your local grocery or drugstore without a prescription. They include whitening toothpaste, whitening strips, pens, gels, and rinses. Affordable and easy to use, these products may take longer to show noticeable whitening and might not produce dramatic results. Additionally, some over-the-counter products may cause sensitivity or other oral health problems if used incorrectly. These treatments are best suited for patients with minimal staining or as a maintenance option after professional whitening.

Contact Us Today!

Now that you know the different types of teeth whitening treatments available, it’s important to consult with your Mableton family dentist to determine which one is best for your unique needs and goals. Mableton Family Dentistry provides safe, effective, and personalized in-office and at-home teeth whitening options. We also provide thorough dental exams and cleanings to ensure healthy teeth and gums before any whitening treatment. Contact us today to schedule your appointment and let us help you achieve a brighter and more confident smile!

Dental Veneers: An Overview of the Procedure and Its Benefits

Dental Veneers: An Overview of the Procedure and Its Benefits

Dental Veneers: An Overview of the Procedure and Its Benefits

Having a beautiful smile contributes to a person’s self-confidence, and having a great set of teeth is an essential factor in achieving that. People who have stained, chipped, or misaligned teeth are often embarrassed to show their teeth when they smile. If you’re one of these people, then dental veneers might be the solution for you. This dental procedure is commonly performed to achieve a stunning smile transformation. Today, we will discuss everything you need to know about dental veneers, including its benefits.

What Are Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers are thin, custom-made shells that are placed over the front surface of your teeth. They are made of either composite resin or porcelain material. Veneers are designed to improve the appearance of teeth that are discolored, worn down, chipped, or misaligned. The procedure can be done on a single tooth or multiple teeth, depending on your needs.

The Procedure

Getting dental veneers usually takes two to three appointments. During the initial appointment, your dentist near you will examine your teeth and determine if veneers are the right treatment for you. They will also discuss the procedure and the expected outcome. If you choose to proceed, the dentist will prepare your teeth by removing a small amount of enamel from the surface. This will make room for the veneer to be bonded to the tooth. The dentist will then take an impression of your prepared tooth and send it to a dental lab where your veneer will be custom-made. Once it’s ready, the dentist will place the veneer on your tooth and bond it using dental cement.

The Benefits of Dental Veneers

The benefits of dental veneers are numerous. First, they provide a natural appearance, and the color and shape can be customized to fit your needs. Veneers can also help improve the look of your teeth in a relatively short amount of time. They are durable and can last for many years with proper care, including regular brushing and flossing. The procedure is also minimally invasive and usually requires little to no anesthesia.


After getting dental veneers, it’s important to take good care of them to ensure their longevity. You should avoid biting or chewing hard objects, as this can damage the veneers. It’s important to practice good oral hygiene, including brushing twice a day and flossing at least once a day. You should also visit your dentist regularly for check-ups and cleanings.


The cost of dental veneers varies depending on various factors, such as the number of teeth being treated, the type of material used, and the complexity of the procedure. However, many dental insurance plans cover some or all of the cost of veneers. If you’re interested in getting veneers, it’s best to talk to your dentist, who can provide you with a more accurate cost estimate.

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Dental veneers are an excellent option for people who want to enhance their smile and boost their confidence. If you’re considering getting dental veneers, talk to your dentist, who can help determine if the procedure is right for you. With proper care, you can enjoy a beautiful and healthy smile for many years to come.

The Benefits of Teeth Whitening for Your Oral Health

The Benefits of Teeth Whitening for Your Oral Health

The Benefits of Teeth Whitening for Your Oral Health

Everyone wants a bright, white smile that they can show off with confidence. Teeth whitening is a popular cosmetic dental procedure that can improve the appearance of your teeth and boost your self-esteem. But did you know that teeth whitening also offers benefits for your oral health? At Mableton Family Dentistry in Mableton, GA, we offer a range of teeth whitening treatments to help you achieve a healthier, more radiant smile. In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits of teeth whitening for your oral health and why it’s worth considering this treatment.

Removes Surface Stains

The most obvious benefit of teeth whitening is that it removes surface stains from your teeth. Stains can be caused by a variety of factors such as age, diet, smoking, or drinking coffee, wine, and tea. While brushing and flossing can help to remove some stains, professional teeth whitening can tackle even the deepest stains and give you a more attractive smile. By removing surface stains, teeth whitening can also prevent the buildup of plaque and tartar, which can lead to cavities and gum disease.

Boosts Confidence

Another benefit of teeth whitening is that it can boost your confidence and self-esteem. When you have a brighter, more attractive smile, you’re more likely to smile more often and feel more comfortable in social situations. This can have a ripple effect on your overall mental health and well-being. It’s a simple and effective way to enhance your appearance and improve your mood.

Improves Oral Health

Teeth whitening can also improve your oral health in more ways than you might expect. By removing stains and plaque buildup, teeth whitening can help to reduce your risk of developing cavities and gum disease. A clean, healthy mouth is less prone to bacteria and infection, which can lead to a range of health problems throughout your body. Teeth whitening can also help to strengthen your teeth and gums, providing a protective barrier against bacteria and decay.

Personalized Treatment

At Mableton Family Dentistry, we offer personalized teeth whitening treatments to suit your needs and preferences. We use effective, safe, and gentle products to ensure that your teeth are whitened without causing any damage or discomfort. Our team will discuss your goals and expectations with you, and recommend the best treatment option for your unique case. Whether you choose in-office or at-home teeth whitening, we’ll ensure that you achieve the results you’re looking for.

Long-Term Results

Finally, teeth whitening offers long-lasting results that you can enjoy for months or even years. With proper oral hygiene and maintenance, you can keep your teeth looking bright and healthy for a long time. This means that you can save money and time on future dental treatments and cleanings. A beautiful smile is an investment in your life, and teeth whitening is a simple and effective way to achieve it.

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Teeth whitening is not just a cosmetic procedure, it’s also a beneficial dental treatment. By removing surface stains, improving oral health, and boosting your confidence, teeth whitening can provide numerous benefits for your overall well-being. If you’re considering teeth whitening, talk to our team at Mableton Family Dentistry in Mableton, GA. We’re here to help you achieve the beautiful, healthy smile you deserve.

What Causes Toothache and How You Can Find Relief

What Causes Toothache and How You Can Find Relief

What Causes Toothache and How You Can Find Relief

As your trusted dental provider in Mableton GA, we at Mableton Family Dentistry often see patients come in with toothache complaints. Toothache can be one of the most excruciating pains that a person can experience. It can also be an indicator of underlying dental problems that require immediate attention. If you are experiencing toothache, it could be due to a wide range of factors. In this blog post, we will discuss the different causes of toothache and provide tips on how to find relief.

Tooth decay

Tooth decay is one of the most common causes of toothache. When bacteria in the mouth produce acid that erodes the tooth enamel, it can lead to cavities or holes in the teeth. These cavities expose the nerves in the teeth, resulting in pain and sensitivity. Dental fillings are the most common treatment for tooth decay, and it is recommended to visit your dentist in Mableton GA regularly to prevent this from happening.

Gum disease

Gum disease occurs when bacteria and plaque build-up in the gum line, causing inflammation and infection. This can lead to gum recession, tooth loss, and toothache. In order to treat gum disease, it is important to undergo regular dental cleanings, remove plaque buildup, and practice good oral hygiene at home. Some cases may require more extensive treatment such as scaling and root planing.

Teeth grinding

When you grind your teeth, you are putting a significant amount of pressure on your teeth, which can cause toothache. Teeth grinding may happen unconsciously, especially during sleep, and over time, it can lead to extensive tooth damage. If you suspect that you grind your teeth, talk to your dentist for a customized mouthguard to protect your teeth while you sleep.

Tooth trauma

Sudden impact to the mouth can lead to tooth fractures, cracks, and even dislodged teeth. These can cause severe pain and can make it difficult to speak or chew. If you experience any kind of dental trauma, it is important to seek dental attention immediately. Depending on the severity of the injury, your dentist may recommend treatments ranging from fillings, crowns, or even implants.

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Toothache causes can range from mild to serious. It is important to visit your Mableton dentist regularly and practice good oral hygiene to prevent most dental problems. However, if you do experience toothache, our team at Mableton Family Dentistry is here to help relieve your pain and find a solution to your dental problems. For more information on how we can help, contact us today!

Why You May Need A Dental Crown

Why You May Need A Dental Crown

Why You May Need A Dental Crown – Understanding its Benefits and Importance

A dental crown, also known as a tooth cap, is a dental prosthetic that covers the tooth’s visible portion above the gum line. It is a necessary dental procedure for many reasons, ranging from aesthetics to dental functional issues. Mableton, GA residents grasp dental crown importance but may be uncertain about their personal need. At Mableton Family Dentistry, we would like to help explain dental crowns and when you may need them.

Tooth Decay or Damage

The most common reason for needing a dental crown is extensive tooth decay or damage. In such instances, fillings might fall short in restoring the tooth, necessitating a crown. To treat the tooth decay or damage, your dentist in Mableton GA will remove the affected area, shape the tooth, and fit it with a crown. The crown will work as a new layer of the tooth and protect it from further damage.

Cosmetic Improvement

Dental crowns can also improve the appearance of teeth. Crowns can be used to hide misshapen, discolored, or crooked teeth. Choosing a crown that matches your teeth in color and shape can greatly improve your smile’s appearance.

Root Canal Treatment

After a root canal, a dental crown can safeguard the weakened tooth and prevent additional decay. During a root canal, the dentist removes infected pulp tissue from inside the tooth, leaving it hollow from the inside. A crown is then fitted over the top of the tooth to protect it from breaking.

Tooth Fracture

If you have a tooth that is severely cracked or fractured, a dental crown may be necessary. A fractured or cracked tooth can lead to infection and decay. A dental crown will act as a structure to hold the tooth together, promote healing, and restore its function.

Tooth Replacement

If you’re missing a tooth due to extraction or trauma, a dental implant can provide a permanent tooth replacement solution. A crown can then be placed on top of the implant, which will serve as a replacement tooth. A crown attached to an implant restores dental function and enhances your smile.

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Dental crowns have far-reaching benefits for both dental function and aesthetics. Mableton Family Dentistry focuses on quality procedures for lasting solutions and enhancing your smile. If you have a dental problem that you think might benefit from a dental crown, schedule an appointment with us today. To learn more or speak with a dental professional, contact us.